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About Us


Obesity is national problem, and one that is growing fast. Currently 26% of Men and 29% of Women in the UK are obese and these numbers are predicted to rise to roughly 47% by 2030 and 60% by 2050!


In Harrow the numbers are equally troubling with an estimated 6 out of 10 people being classified as overweight or obese.

Aside from the huge (and growing) cost to the NHS, the personal consequences associated with this are significant.


This is why the Shape Up programme is being delivered to areas across Harrow.


We have designed a programme that educates men and women to develop a healthy relationship with food and change unhealthy behaviours and habits that cause weight gain.


The programme engages in a fun and effective way and uses group exercise and sport to improve fitness and support weight loss.


So call us now for more information and book your FREE space on 07938483909 or email at


The Shape Up programme is a Watford FC Community Sport and Education Trust project which has been funded by Public Health Harrow.

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